All posts filed under “2000 > 2005”

Ventodivino 2005
Ventodivino a project with Riccardo Mazzoni Ventodivino, Firenze 2005, Lambda print on dibond cm 100×120 and cm 125×160 ed. of 3 Palazzo Mannozzi, Collezione Casa Masaccio arte contemporanea, 2014 Casa Masaccio Arte contemporanea, L’arte della fuga, 2012

Waiting for the dial tone 2005
waiting for the dial tone A project with April Gertler and Barak Reiser Waiting for the dial tone, Heimspiel Frankfurt an main DE 2005 Our first exhibition in 2005, titled “Waiting for the Dial Tone.”, took place at Heimspiel Gallery in Frankfurt am Main, […]

hospital 2003-04
Hospital # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 Montevarchi 2003-04 Lambda print on forex cm 120×100 edit. of 3 Hospital, FOFU festival of photography […]

presence 2002
Presence, Italy 2002 color print on forex or dibond, size from cm 20×25 to 100×120 edition of 5 or 7 eng During my last journeys I let my car go along through the paths, country roads and suburb. Then my attention, and above all, my curiosity […]

body of evidence 2001-02
body of evidence, Firenze 2001-02 lambda print cm 15×22 edition of 7

tracks 2001
Tracks Tracks, Tuscany 2001, silver print 8″ x 10″ edition of 10 “Tracks” Footprints, pathways or signs are what I look for when wandering around the countryside and in the deep forest. My interest and curiosity are based around caching the presence, […]

ideologies 2001
Ideologies Germany, 2001 triptych gelatin silver print cm 60×45 edition of 7 Showed in the 2001 at the Photo Center Gallery of New York University, the opening was the day before 11 september attack America, 2001 triptych gelatin silver print cm 60×45 edition of […]

le murate 2001
Le Murate Firenze 2001 silver print cm 40×50 edition of 10 eng Entering the prison¹s space of Le Murate, walking down its hallways, visiting the cells and every new place is a journey […]